Regulatory Analysis - proposed General Industrial Storm Water Permit
On behalf of the 660-member State of California Auto Dismantlers Association (SCADA) industry trade association, Mr. Adams provided consulting services encompassing the review and analysis of (then) pending and proposed storm water regulatory initiatives in California. Operations at members’ facilities include activities which subject such operations to storm water permitting requirements including the development of pollution prevention and monitoring plans and activities, the implementation of Best Management Practices (‘BMP’s’) and the filing of annual reports describing storm water management activities. The focus of Point’s consulting services was to provide a thorough review of the industry’s position related to the content and status of relevant storm water regulatory initiatives and develop strategies and responses to these initiatives for the benefit of its members. Mr. Adams provided input into the written comments submitted by the trade organization legal counsel and provided oral testimony on technical issues at State and Regional Water Resources Board public hearings.
Management – Industrial Facilities
Mr. Adams has managed storm water regulatory programs since the inception of the General Industrial Permit in 1992. These facilities include large, multi-site scrap metal processing and ship loading operations, manufacturing facilities, and shipbuilding and repair and boatyard operations located in several jurisdictions in California and the western United States. Consequentially, Mr. Adams has extensive experience in the successful development and implementation of storm water management programs and the development of Storm Water Pollution Prevention and Monitoring Plans.